In The Dark of the Night.

Some people are lost in the woods, forever searching for a way out of the dark, oppressive darkness which surrounds them on all sides. They find themselves lost without hope, lost and alone; and knowing they have no chance of escape, but praying that they may find it.

While in our dammned age, this is a truth many struggle to accept let alone see as fact. There are always those who know that we’re all lost and seeking something, but some seek to remain lost because that is where they have found themselves. Being lost from humanity is not the worst possible situation, but being found by those who think they know better may well be.

I’m not entirely certain if I have a point to make, and most of the time I doubt I will, there is of course the slim possibility that somewhere in my rambling and hate and rage and violent expression of pent up emotion that something may come out. Something which may help the reader with an insight. I do think the majority will lead the reader through the woods without leading them to a destination.

The journey is the worthy part and the places visited on that journey what makes it worth something. But if you don’t have some rough destination or goal then all you’ve done is experience life till it tapers into oblivion and your knowledge along with it, because without finding a focus your travel becomes meaningless. A writer may pour words forth till his hands bleed and his eyes rot, but if the words are not leading to a destination, even one that may only make sense to them, then you are little more than a program running on repeat for eternity.

Without a spark of inspiration life will run itself to death and our mark will simply be another dead world in a dead star system. Till the next creature makes a better go of it than we.

I think today I may have found something, however small, however fleeting which made me smile, and dare I say, with a great deal of uncertainty and confusion, happy. The world continues to provide some surprises does it not?

For now I remain, as I always have, lost in the woods, but for the first time in over a decade I do not believe I am lost here alone.